Bellona strives to provide educational experiences which foster an evolution of your wellbeing tools. Bellona Temple is the environment created by healing energy, designed in spirality, and mutual participant to each of us within this ecosystem.
emotional nourishment is authentically accessible
peer observance of spirit influences being well
vulnerable communities are the key to humanity's advancement
Healing is peaceful when consciousness expands into nature :
Human nature to connect and nature's need of our touch
Bellona Temple believes there is a way find emotional presence which extends beyond the hospital, in to every day life, with science as support to human existence.
Desert Feminine Circles
In the Summer of 2023, 10 women participated in a desert healing series. The series involved Air medicine, by way of frequency healing, Fire medicine, by way of burned offering, Water medicine, by infused hydration, Earth medicine, by way of floral enchantment, and Spirit medicine, by way of woman-ly community
Psychedelic Conference
In June 2023, Bellona was honored to participate in the Psychedelic Conference held by Oakland Hyphae.
Je t'aime Covello spoke on veterans involved with psychedelic healing. It was beautiful for our work to be highlighted by legacy practitioners.
Ketamine Therapy
Throughout 2023, Bellona facilitated no-cost and all-woman ketamine therapy for women veterans. The services included preparation, medicine facilitation, and integration services. The services were provided to absolute completion of healing - concluding as late as March 2024.
Client Intensive Care :
A client restricted to a wheelchair, plagued with suicidal intentions, and overwhelmed with stressors recently connected with Bellona's intensive services. Within 3 weeks, the client structured new daily practices and was prepared with refinements to the power of energetic choice : decision in traversing major life changes.
Trip sitting and integration support is available under our intensive services in order to reduce harm.
Clients which do not meet hospitalization criteria with strong dedication to wellbeing may reach out to discuss intensive care.
Client Testimony
Intensive Care
Client Testimony
Client Testimony
1:1 sessions
Client Testimony
1:1 sessions